Monday 31 October 2011

NaNoWriMo Launch

Attended the NaNoWriMo launch party yesterday (2 days before by now?). The cake was not a lie!
(Picture by MidNightTheMagnificent)

Too bad the mountain was nothing but pure cream...

I foresee myself posting nothing but NaNoWriMo posts for the next month. Well, what can I say? It's NaNoWriMo month!
(Yes, I realise that I just said 'National Novel Writing Month Month, but still.)

I must say, the people I met at the party were the most interesting bunch of people I've ever met. Majority of the people I meet are, well, like the majority of people there are: keen interest in everything trivial and no interest in anything that's deemed "academic". You know, the anti-intellectual trend.

The NaNoWriMo people I met are just made of awesome. I like openly talking about taboo subjects knowing that I can get a rational and logical response, as opposed to "I'm offended" or a ಠ_ಠ-face.

I guess NaNoWriMo have been an eye-opening experience for me, despite the fact that it hasn't started yet. I'm awfully excited for November

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