Thursday 8 March 2012

Kony 2012: Why You Should Think Twice

I am sure you have heard about Kony 2012: it has gone viral faster than any other viral infection we have seen on the interwebs. It is prove of the collective power of the internet, and not for some useless campaign making an earth sandwich, but rather a worthy cause.

Or is it?

Let me first tell you about Invisible Children, the charity behind this successful campaign. You would have probably seen the film, perhaps even moved to tears by it. It was the genius of film-maker Jason Russell. Probably a nice guy, who did this film because he wants to do what is right. And that is what he is probably doing. But that does not explain his annual US$90,000 salary given to him by Invisible Children. That is just his income, it does not include the expenses spent for making the film: the equipment, the software, the travelling fees, etc.